Lesson 3: Pet Regression

What is pet regression?

It is a type of regression where one regresses back to their base animalistic instincts. Just like age regression, it is a type of coping mechanism and is completely nonsexual.

What do I mean?

You involuntarily feel more like a pet or animal and prefer to act like one. It is common for pet regressors to make noises of that animal, such as barking, meowing, purring, and so on. Some may prefer to crawl rather than walk and some may prefer to create a den or nest to sleep in. Many imagine that they have ears on their head or paws rather than hands, and any other kind of imaginary playing that involves becoming a pet or animal.

What kind of pets are there?

Any animal you can think of you can make into a pet. This includes fictional creatures such as dragons.

But you were never a pet, so how can you regress to one?

No, we were never pets. However, when we regress to one, we are also going back in age to a certain extent. Therefore, it is still regression.

It’s just role play then?

No. If one is role playing as a pet, they are using pet play. Pet play is a sexual thing, whereas pet regression is a coping mechanism. It is the exact same thing as age regression vs age play.

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